
General personal finance topics that may affect your every day lives.

Chance for Free Financial Advising

Well, at my day job it is nearing the end of the year as I work for the Federal government. With that said it means rushing around to finish up before September 30th and getting ready to gear up for [...]

The new KG Meyer, Inc Site

First, thank you for following my blog and just so you know there will be some major changes coming to the site over the next few weeks. Now that I am an official Investment Advisor I am going to change [...]

Teaching Children About Finances

Did your parents teach you about finances and money? If you are a parent now, will you teach your children about finances and money? I know my mom tried her best to teach me when I was younger, but I was a [...]

College and Compound Interest

It seems the younger people are, the less inclined that they are to save for retirement. After all, younger people seem to not think about their retirement, and there may be some very valid reasons as to [...]

Financial Advisor Services

I recently passed my Series 65 Examination and am finalizing my paperwork to become a financial advisor in the State of Tennessee. I am excited to begin this chapter of my professional career and be able to [...]

Global Economy, what it means for the US

Where will the markets go next? What are the influencers of the markets today? Well, where the markets will go is anyone’s guess, but it is apparent that Washington will influence what could happen in [...]

Inflation and Retirement Accounts

Do you understand how inflation can affect your retirement? If not, you might want to read this post and consider how inflation can have a distinct impact on your retirement accounts. The basics of this [...]

Millennials and Finance

Are you one of the many millennials who face a stream of stereotypes that may not be a reality? If so you may not be the lazy, entitled or narcissistic that people believe you to be. Many millennials are [...]

Free copy of How the Stock Market Operates

Do you have a topic dealing with finance that you want more information? Is there an issue that you would like to know more? Do you have a question that needs an answer on a finance matter? In an order [...]

Emergency Funds

What to do with your emergency funds? If you are prudent, you have amassed an emergency fund that is equal to anywhere from three to nine months of fixed expenses and up to a year to two if you are [...]