Month: October 2016

How to get decent returns on your portfolio

So how do you beat the market you ask? Well, the correct answer is you do not. You match it at best but rarely will you be able to beat the actual markets. Why? Because they are random in nature and no [...]

Apps that Help You Save Money

At one time I was very techie and had to have all the latest when it came to such things. That was back in the 1980’s when Commodore 64 ruled the personal computer world. Then I went to college for a few [...]

A Better Understanding of Retirement Terminology

Are you thinking of your retirement? If so, chances are you may be like may and are a bit confused by all of the choices, terms, and amounts involved with these accounts. Let us face it; the Internal [...]

5 Questions to Ask for Financial Freedom

Are you concerned about your financial health? If so, chances are you are not alone. There are many people who are concerned or even worried about their financial well-being. I recently read a brief [...]

How to Understand Basic Trusts

Do you think that a trust is only for the wealthy or super rich? If that is your take on a trust, then you may want to consider things a little further. Yes, a trust is normally associated with wealthier [...]