Month: June 2016

Exchange Traded Funds, Smart Beta

As a future financial planner and someone who just got a master’s degree in financial planning, I am a little different take on things. I believe that people can achieve the same results as many [...]

Volatility in the Markets

Are you uncertain of the markets? If you are, then you are not alone by any means. With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union and the upcoming elections here in the United States that are indeed [...]

Steps for a Successful Retirement

There are some steps that anyone can take that will help ensure that they will have an extremely successful retirement. So what are these steps that you need to take? We will examine what these steps are [...]

Dealing with Debt

Do you have a lot of debt? If so, you are like many Americans who live with anywhere from a little debt to others who have massive amounts of debt. But not all debt is created equally and depending on your [...]

Saving and Debt

People in the US seem to have some difficulties in saving for, well much of anything really. Very few people my age own their house outright, finance their automobile purchases, have high credit card debt [...]

IRA Conversions

While tax season has come and gone this year, it is never too early to start planning for a conversion from a traditional IRA to a ROTH IRA. Depending on your situation will dictate if you would want to [...]

Asset Allocation

Are you worried your investments are not what they should be? If so that is a fairly common feeling among people of all backgrounds. Most people are afraid to invest because they do not understand the [...]

IRA’s and College

Do you plan on maybe using an IRA to fund college expenses? Well, there are some ways in which this can happen and you not incur a tax bill, depending on the type of IRA you have. And with recent changes [...]