Month: March 2015

Retirement Ideas

As we get ready for retirement, there are some things that may need to be addressed. The main question most of us will have as we enter our retirement years is will I have enough money to last my entire [...]

Scams Aimed at Seniors

Are you a senior citizen? Are your parents or grandparents senior citizens? If, so you may want to be aware of the more common scams that target seniors. While scam artists will and do target anyone of [...]

Important Documents

Do you have the needed documents for when you are not around or able to make decisions? Do you know what these documents even are? While there may not be a need for everyone to have all of these this is [...]

Tips for Retirement Savings

Are you getting ready to retire? Do you think you have saved enough to retire the way you want? Well, do not worry there is time even if you are older and maybe have not saved what you think you will [...]

Exchange Traded Funds

Are you an investor in exchange-traded funds (ETF’s)? Do you have an idea what you want in an ETF? If you trade with them, then you have a good idea that there are many ETF’s to choose from. In [...]


Are you one to rebalance your portfolio? Do you believe that it will make a big difference if you do not do it? Well, over a 20 year period from 1994 until 2014 if you took one of the three options we [...]

Estate Planning

Do you think you are too young to plan for your estate? If you think the answer to that question is a yes then you are mistaken. Nearly half of Americans over the age of 55 do not have a will or any type [...]

Ways to Approach Debt

Are you like so many Americans who owe more money than they care to admit to? Well, do not worry you are far from being alone in this regard. Between mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, student loans, [...]

401(k) Millionaire

Is your goal to retire a millionaire? If this is indeed the case, as it is with so many of us, here are some tips and tricks to help get you into the group who call themselves millionaires. One of the [...]