Month: August 2014

Let’s look at Mad Money and Jim Cramer

While I one day want to be a full-time financial advisor I currently work for the government.  I am really in that arena where I have worked with the government too long to leave it but not long enough to [...]

Managed 401(k) Accounts

I hope you are contributing to your 401(k) plan at work.  If you are not now is the time to start.  If your employer offers a company match it is very important to contribute at least the amount that the [...]

Different types of IRA’s

Are you saving for retirement?  Do you know what it is you are doing when it comes to your retirement accounts?  It is very important to save for retirement and you need to be doing that as early and as [...]

Younger Savers

For several posts now I have talked about saving for retirement and its importance.  In this brief blog we will look at Generation Y or Millennial when it comes to jobs and savings.  Now most people would [...]

Ways to Reduce College Costs

Are you or your children getting ready to go start your college career?  If so you probably have a pretty good idea that this endeavor will not be a cheap one and in many instances could be a very expensive [...]

Saving for Retirement in Your 20’s

I am guessing that if you have been following my blog chances are you may have read that it is imperative that someone save for their retirement.  And the key for someone who is younger is to save early and [...]

Retirement Errors

If done properly saving for your retirement can be a process that spans many decades.  I hope that everyone is saving for their retirement now and is not putting off this very important aspect of one’s [...]

Financial Terms, Keep It Simple

Financial planning is not rocket science and the terms used are not totally foreign.  Why would someone who is educated need a financial planner then?  The answer is simple, they remove the emotion that most [...]

Saving After You Are 50

Are you over 50 and thinking of retiring?  Do you know what your options are in the area of retirement?  Well I hope that you at least are saving in some form for your eventual retirement.  Most of us do [...]